© circle of love ministries all rights reserved 2018
Circle of Love Ministries


Handmade African Products

Art is a universal language. The minds of artistic people have always come up with ingenious ways to produce their innovative and often beautiful works. We esteem many of our artists above others because we see a creativity and a ‘gift’ if you will, that others do not possess. The unusual creations of these ‘special ones’ are sometimes valued far above other works simply because they are ‘one of a kind’ and not available anywhere else in the world. African Art is among the most sought after art. With that said, Circle of Love is seeking out the unusual and the gifted in order to bring their talents and wares to the marketplace. This serves two purposes. First of all it helps these local artisans financially and secondly, it highlights the versatility of these poor countries to show how worthy they are of our time and care.

Circle of Love Artists

Prince Bagoole
© circle of love ministries all rights reserved 2018
Circle of Love Ministries


Handmade African


Art is a universal language. The minds of artistic people have always come up with ingenious ways to produce their innovative and often beautiful works. We esteem many of our artists above others because we see a creativity and a ‘gift’ if you will, that others do not possess. The unusual creations of these ‘special ones’ are sometimes valued far above other works simply because they are ‘one of a kind’ and not available anywhere else in the world. African Art is among the most sought after art. With that said, Circle of Love is seeking out the unusual and the gifted in order to bring their talents and wares to the marketplace. This serves two purposes. First of all it helps these local artisans financially and secondly, it highlights the versatility of these poor countries to show how worthy they are of our time and care.

Circle of Love Artists

Prince Bagoole